Directions: Study the following topics from your inb
Calendar, Decade, Century, Millennium, Back in Time Notes, Ancient
Egypt, Egyptian gods & goddesses, Ancient Minoans & Ancient
Greece, Greek gods and goddesses, Seven Continents & five oceans,
Persian War, Ancient China, Opium War, Dynasty, The Communist Party,
Ancient Japan, World War II, Hiroshima & Nagasaki, Ancient India
Notes. capitals/countries: London, England; Athens, Greece; Cairo,
Egypt, Damascus, Syria; Bagadad, Iraq, China, Japan, India
(Adv) Species
of Human, Prehistory (Stone Age- Iron Age), Early Human to First
Civilizations, Lunar Cycle, The three Ancient Schools, Homer- Illiad
& Odyssey, Trojan War, Panhellenic Festival, Greek Drama...